2024 December Winner
Ayumi Kawaguchi
Capilano Suspension Bridge Park
My name is Gwen Wagner. I want to reach out and tell you about my experience on November
18 (2024). I’m a left leg amputee from Saskatchewan. When we had taken in the many
bridges, all the beauty we could absorb, and ate lunch at the restaurant, my leg was tired but I
was elated. A year ago I couldn’t have done all I did. I had life changing surgery on my leg in
Sept ‘23. So as we were wrapping up our day I was wandering the gift shop and encountered
your amazing staff member Ayumi. She asked about my day and as I told her what a huge
personal victory it was for me she shared my joy so deeply she was moved to tears. She gave
me the biggest hug of celebration after asking if it was ok. She made my whole day with her
huge kind heart. As I was continuing to shop she approached and asked if I ate fudge. She
and her coworker Maria gave me a piece of fudge after consulting with their boss. I just want to
shout out to this beautiful lady who shared my joy and felt my heart; the world needs more of
her. Please let her know I’m still so deeply touched by her beautiful heart.